Happy Hens, Come share their magic!

Yvonne Sutherland's Happy Hens are an original concept, inspired by traditional poultry breeds once kept by New Zealand's pioneer women. Happy Hens are handmade with care, and are cheerful reminders of those earlier times.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Steaming into 2007!

Happy New year!

We celebrated New Year’s Eve dancing to a jazz band on the heritage steam boat Earnslaw, cruising the Frankton Arm in Queenstown, along with  290  other passengers! At 10.30pm we were welcomed aboard with complimentery  glass  of wine and canapés throughout the voyage. Such a clear, still night, with a moon shining on the lake , it was  a perfect way to greet the New Year. Just before midnight we pulled into the wharf and from the Earnslaw’s bow we had an elevated view of the huge crowd thronging by the marina and a spectacular view of the fireworks shot from boats  on the lake beside us. It was an unforgettable New Years Eve celebration as Earnslaw  gave  a few  loud blasts of its steam whistle to greet 2007. Cheers and keep on steaming!